- Evan Phoenix
- Laurent Sansonetti
- Charles Oliver Nutter
- Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
- Thomas E Enebo
7 PM PST, April 21st, 2008, #ruby-core
- 10 minutes: Introductions
- Scheduling for next design meeting
- Constant lookup: Referencing constants in Object from other modules
- Multi-VM API...settling on something basic we can start putting in place
- RubySpec specs and wiki to be used by implementers and officially blessed
- Ruby 1.9 specification, for non-YARV implementations to match features
- Ruby 1.9 bytecode specification, for non-YARV implementations
- Continuous integration, regression testing for Ruby 1.8 branch releases (e.g. 1.8.7)
- MacRuby and other syntax changes
Action Items
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